About Bus Detective

In 2015, Cincinnati Metro did something awesome: They made the real-time geographic data for buses public. We’re the first locally made app to deliver this information to bus riders, so you’ll always know when the bus is coming.

Made by Launch Scout

Launch Scout is a software development consultancy in Cincinnati. In early 2015, we moved our offices from the suburbs to downtown, and almost immediately, more than half of us started taking the bus to work.

We built a simple app to tell us when the bus was coming, and soon, other people started using it, too. Eventually, the project grew into Bus Detective. It combines two of our favorite things: open source software and open data.

Check out Launch Scout’s other projects.

“The Bus Detective app is a great example of the talent and creativity within our community and is helping make catching the bus even easier for the thousands of customers who rely on our service every day. ”

- Metro CEO Dwight Ferrell in Urban Cincy

“This app is simply spectacular and a must have for any bus rider”

- App Store Review

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